Friday, April 13, 2012

Ideas to Get the Scale Moving

Sometimes while on the weight loss journey, the scale stops moving…
Our bodies may be taking a break and we just need to persist…
But sometimes it might be helpful to “mix things up”…
Some Fitness & Nutrition & Advocare Tips to Consider

  • There are 3 variables we control: frequency, duration, and intensity
  • Frequency: how many times per week are you working out? Might be time to bump it up to 5 days per week.
  • Duration: how long are your workouts? Might be time to bump the workout from 30 mins to 45 mins.
  • Intensity: how focused and intense are your workouts? Might be time to weave in some interval training, super-sets, CrossFit, etc.
*In my opinion, the 2 most important variables are frequency and intensity; high quality workouts 4-5 days per week is a recipe for success – can you claim you’re doing that?

Nutrition & Lifestyle:
  • Food: might be time for some strict carbo counting – are you staying around or under 100 grams of carbs per day? The only way to justify more would be if you’re training for competition, trying to gain weight, or accommodating a specific nutritional issue per Dr’s recommendations…
  • Water: being hydrated helps your metabolism by around 25%, I make myself have daily “focused chugging sessions” to stay on target
  • Binging? Avoid “episodes” of nutritional disaster… don’t wreck yourself on the weekends and then try to spend all week erasing the damage
  • Wine? Alcohol is a “volumizer”, you’ll retain water and your metabolism will function slower. You may want to abstain or minimize until your goal is achieved, then it’s about moderation for maintenance.
  • Simplicity: keep in mind that food is energy for living, 95% of the time hopefully we’re thinking about food in terms of fuel rather than pleasure.
Advocare Nutritionals:
  • Rehydrate: an unsung hero of Advocare – consider using Rehydrate in the afternoon and after dinner to combat false hunger cravings
  • Thermoplus: helps burn additional fat & cals
  • Meal Replacement Shakes: for some, this product can have a “volumizing” effect, consider laying off the shakes if that’s you and you’ve plateaued in your weight loss. Remember, this product is a builder, it is not a “weight loss” product. For some it’s helpful with initial weight loss in the 24 Day Challenge, but I’d advise experimenting to figure out if it’s meant to be a long term product for you. Every body and metabolism is different. Maybe you can successfully “cycle” on and off of them? Experiment and do what works for YOUR body.
  • MNS (Metabolic Nutrition System): this is a key nutritional for optimal metabolism
  • Cleanse: might be time for a strict cleanse; when I’m looking for a cleanse to make a major impact, I’ll do only fruit until noon each day.
  • My morning? MNS Max3, Catalyst (3), ThermoPlus (2), washed down with Spark & Arginine Extreme combo
If you’re experiencing a lull in your weight loss journey, chances are there are some variables above that will make the difference for you. It’s up to you to give yourself a brutally honest assessment, then begin the action & experimentation process. If there is any doubt or question about the above options, run it by your health care provider.

Matt Warren
Advocare Diamond Distributor
Previous Fitness Professional