Thursday, May 17, 2012

Looking for a Healthy Pizza Option

Paleo Pizza
2 eggs
2 cups almond meal (pulse almonds in food processor or buy at the health food store)
2 tsp olive oil
2 tsp Italian seasoning (use ready made or add- garlic, rosemary, thyme, oregano, basil, etc...)
1/2 tsp sea salt
1/2 cup tomato sauce (no sugar added)
Favorite pizza toppings (leftover chicken and veggies are a great option)
Parchment paper (this keeps your pizza from sticking to the pan)

Preheat oven to 365 degrees. Beat eggs, add almond meal, olive oil, seasonings, and sea salt. Mix together and form a ball, spread on a baking pan covered in parchment paper. (Tip: if dough is sticky, put another piece of parchment paper on top or use a small amount of olive oil on your hands). Bake for 15-20 minutes, or until dough starts to brown around the edges.

Take dough out of oven and spread tomato sauce evenly. Sprinkle with italian seasonings if desired. Add toppings of your choice. Return pizza to oven and bake for another 20 minutes.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Should you Eat That?

Eat Clean to be Lean
You want to lose weight, and have been trying hard for months without success.

You've heard fitness people refer to 'eating clean' but what does that really mean?

The labels on hundreds of different food items proclaim to be 'healthy' but can you trust labels? There are so many misconceptions when it comes to what constitutes as clean eating.

What are you eating wrong?

Let's dispel the myths and outline your simple, straightforward 3-step guide to eating clean and watch as the pounds melt off.
Step One: Steer Clear of Packaged Foods
Your worst enemy in the fight against weight gain is packaged foods. Yes, even those packages that are described as ‘healthy'.

Think of packaged food in these 3 categories:
  • Sweets: Cookies, brownies, muffins, cupcakes, donuts, candy and desserts. These packaged items are laced with sugar and bad fats, and lack any viable nutrient that your body actually needs. All the empty calories from these items will end up deposited on your waist and hips as stubborn fat.

    There's never a good reason to eat these so-called foods.
  • Processed Grains: Crackers, breads, cereal, chips, instant oatmeal, energy bars, and popcorn. This category is tricky because many of the packages are labeled as ‘heart healthy' or ‘low fat'. The reality is that packaged, processed grains contain sugar and more carbohydrates than you need while striving to lose weight.

    If you have a weight loss goal then stay away from processed grains.

  • Whole Grains: Brown rice, wild rice, whole oats, sprouted grain pasta, and sprouted grain bread. Here's a category of packaged foods that you are able to include in your clean diet. You don't, however, have a free pass to eat as much of these items as you'd like. Whole grains, while healthy and acceptable, are very calorie-dense. This means that a little bit goes a long way.
Eat whole grains in moderation in order to meet your weight loss goals.

Step Two: Fill Up on Fresh Foods

Fresh vegetables and fruits are a huge part of your clean diet.

The nutrients and fiber found in these natural food items are vitally important for your weight loss journey and your overall health.

Eat a variety of fruits and vegetables in all shapes, sizes and colors.

The only ones that you need to limit are vegetables that are high in starch, such as potatoes and corn, and fruits that are very high in sugar, like melons.

Step Three: Get Plenty of Protein
The cornerstone of your clean diet should be lean protein.

Great examples are chicken breast, albacore tuna, lean ground turkey, white fish fillet, whole beans, tempeh and egg whites.

Protein is what holds your clean eating plan together, for two reasons.

  1. Protein satiates your hunger, keeping you full and keeping your blood sugar stable. This eliminates false hunger and prevents unnecessary snacking.
  2. Protein helps to grow and maintain your muscle mass, which increases your resting metabolism. This means that your body will be naturally leaner.
For faster results, pair your clean eating with a challenging exercise routine and quality supplementation. 
Contact us today
and we will get you started on making your goals a reality.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Spinach Berry Salad

      Fresh and juicy during spring and summer months, strawberries are delicious when combined with tender spinach and crunchy toasted almonds. 
      Number of Servings: 4
      1/3 c almonds, slivered
      4 c baby spinach
      3/4 c strawberries, quartered
      1 T balsamic vinegar
      1 T Dijon Mustard
      1 T Honey
    3 T extra virgin olive oil
    Salt and pepper to taste


Place the almonds in a dry skillet or saute pan. Cook over low heat, shaking the pan the entire time until the almonds are toasting. Almonds are done when you start to smell a "nutty" scent.
Remove almonds from the pan to cool. (Do not cool in the skillet because they will burn from the heat that remains in the pan.) Wash and dry the spinach.

Prepare the dressing by placing the vinegar, mustard, and honey in a mixing bowl. Slowly whisk in the oil until all is incorporated. Place spinach in a large bowl. Add strawberries, almonds, and dressing. Toss to coat. If desired, season with a pinch of salt and pepper.
From Spark Recipes

Friday, April 20, 2012

Are there safe ways to lose weight and keep it off?

With so many unsafe diets and diet pills on the market, the question remains, "are there really any safe and healthy ways to lose weight?" 

So many people choose to resort to ephedra based diet pills, low carb diets, protein only diets, one fruit diets, etc. that all promise miraculous weight loss results fast.  With most of these types of diets the claims are true, you do lose weight fast. The problem is that this is a quick fix, not a safe and healthy way to lose weight, and most often you will gain the weight back just as fast as you lost it. Besides the known side effects of yo-yo dieting and quick fix diet pills, they are also of course very dangerous to your heart and other organs of the body.

Listed below, you can find a few tips to help you lose weight  and keep it off by making healthy lifestyle changes rather than using a quick fix.

*eat more fresh fruits and vegetables
* exercise for at least 1 hour per day
*cut soda out of your diet
*use a natural appetite suppressant to decrease your caloric intake
*eat 5-6 small meals throughout the day to increase your body’s natural metabolic rate.
*implement good fats such as CLA and omega fatty acids into your daily diet
*Focus on good carbs rather than bad carbs and simple sugars in your diet.
*Stay away from the processed stuff
*Shop the outside perimeter of the store

 To look and feel good, you need a well-balanced diet and regular exercise. Studies suggest that the average American diet simply does not include all that is needed to ensure enough vitamins, minerals and other essential nutrients for a healthy life. Supplementation, in conjunction with a healthy diet and exercise, can have a dramatic impact on your health and wellness. 

If you are looking for a program to get you started on the right track to making these healthy changes that you can sustain for a lifetime, we can help you! 

If you are skeptical about the Advocare nutritional products, there are a few things that you should know. . AdvoCare products, the most advanced nutritional supplements available, can help deliver the nutrients frequently missing from the diet, and along with a healthy lifestyle, can support a lifetime of optimal wellness.  

Many people ask...How do I know that these products are safe and effective?
Safety is the first consideration for every AdvoCare product. Each product is backed by more than 270 years of combined experience and expertise from the Scientific & Medical Advisory Board.
AdvoCare values our relationships with the athletic community. With testing on the rise for performance-enhancing substances both at the amateur and professional levels, we have formed a strategic alliance with INFORMED-CHOICE to certify our products are banned-substance free. This alliance will allow athletes to make informed choices about what they decide to put in their bodies.

AdvoCare offers health and wellness products that fit every lifestyle. Thousands of people just like you choose AdvoCare products because they work. World-class professional athletes endorse them; amateur athletes and weekend warriors have achieved amazing results with them.  

We have helped numerous people make healthy changes in their life that they will be able to sustain for a lifetime.    When people try the products, the positive testimonials pour in: "I feel and look better than I have in years." "My energy level is unbelievable." "AdvoCare has changed my life." AdvoCare focuses on wellness and provides an opportunity to enrich your life in ways you would not believe.

To order your products or find out more about finally making healthy choices and changing your life for good, contact your Advocare distributor today!!

or contact us at

Friday, April 13, 2012

Ideas to Get the Scale Moving

Sometimes while on the weight loss journey, the scale stops moving…
Our bodies may be taking a break and we just need to persist…
But sometimes it might be helpful to “mix things up”…
Some Fitness & Nutrition & Advocare Tips to Consider

  • There are 3 variables we control: frequency, duration, and intensity
  • Frequency: how many times per week are you working out? Might be time to bump it up to 5 days per week.
  • Duration: how long are your workouts? Might be time to bump the workout from 30 mins to 45 mins.
  • Intensity: how focused and intense are your workouts? Might be time to weave in some interval training, super-sets, CrossFit, etc.
*In my opinion, the 2 most important variables are frequency and intensity; high quality workouts 4-5 days per week is a recipe for success – can you claim you’re doing that?

Nutrition & Lifestyle:
  • Food: might be time for some strict carbo counting – are you staying around or under 100 grams of carbs per day? The only way to justify more would be if you’re training for competition, trying to gain weight, or accommodating a specific nutritional issue per Dr’s recommendations…
  • Water: being hydrated helps your metabolism by around 25%, I make myself have daily “focused chugging sessions” to stay on target
  • Binging? Avoid “episodes” of nutritional disaster… don’t wreck yourself on the weekends and then try to spend all week erasing the damage
  • Wine? Alcohol is a “volumizer”, you’ll retain water and your metabolism will function slower. You may want to abstain or minimize until your goal is achieved, then it’s about moderation for maintenance.
  • Simplicity: keep in mind that food is energy for living, 95% of the time hopefully we’re thinking about food in terms of fuel rather than pleasure.
Advocare Nutritionals:
  • Rehydrate: an unsung hero of Advocare – consider using Rehydrate in the afternoon and after dinner to combat false hunger cravings
  • Thermoplus: helps burn additional fat & cals
  • Meal Replacement Shakes: for some, this product can have a “volumizing” effect, consider laying off the shakes if that’s you and you’ve plateaued in your weight loss. Remember, this product is a builder, it is not a “weight loss” product. For some it’s helpful with initial weight loss in the 24 Day Challenge, but I’d advise experimenting to figure out if it’s meant to be a long term product for you. Every body and metabolism is different. Maybe you can successfully “cycle” on and off of them? Experiment and do what works for YOUR body.
  • MNS (Metabolic Nutrition System): this is a key nutritional for optimal metabolism
  • Cleanse: might be time for a strict cleanse; when I’m looking for a cleanse to make a major impact, I’ll do only fruit until noon each day.
  • My morning? MNS Max3, Catalyst (3), ThermoPlus (2), washed down with Spark & Arginine Extreme combo
If you’re experiencing a lull in your weight loss journey, chances are there are some variables above that will make the difference for you. It’s up to you to give yourself a brutally honest assessment, then begin the action & experimentation process. If there is any doubt or question about the above options, run it by your health care provider.

Matt Warren
Advocare Diamond Distributor
Previous Fitness Professional

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Don't Miss This Impactful Event

Hosted by: Colt & Rachel McCoy,
and Danny McDaniel

When: Thursday, April 12th

Time: 7:30 pm CST


Join us for this live ustream presentation from the home of Colt McCoy and his wife, Rachel, along with Double Diamond Distributor Danny McDaniel.
If you are hosting a nutritional mixer on Thursday night, we invite you to log in to the live ustream and allow your guests to view part or all of the mixer from the McCoy's home.
If not, take time to personally contact the people whom you know that you would love to see the incredible value of AdvoCare in their lives...and invite them to view the mixer from their own home.
Here's what your guests should expect to see:
1) Why AdvoCare products are for them
2) Why AdvoCare products are the best!
3) Why AdvoCare can be a great business decision
4) Why this may be the perfect timing for them
66% of American adults are overweight
82% of American workers hate what they do
If you fit in to either, or both of these categories, you will not want to miss this impactful presentation!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Get Lean and Healthy with Omegas

Omegas May Be More Important Than a Multivitamin for Some, but are Absolutely Essential for All

Benefits of AdvoCare OmegaplexThe amount, and the results of research supporting the health benefits of omega supplementation has been truly astounding in recent years. Omega-3 fatty acids have been shown to provide a myriad of health benefits such as reducing inflammation, improving cardiovascular health, increasing the efficiency of the heart during exercise, maintaining healthy blood lipid profiles and, even, increasing fat metabolism and lean mass gain.

To those still stuck on the common misconception that all fats equal, and thus bad for you, this will be hard to grasp, but for those who have been paying the least bit of attention to nutritional science over the past 10 years, you recognize this couldn’t be further from the truth. Fat is, in fact, essential for our body to function properly. In fact, it plays a critical role in the function of every cell in the body. Therefore, our fat “concern” should be with those ugly, bad saturated fats, which should absolutely be limited in our diets. However, the good, polyunsaturated fatty acids are vital for normal life functions, but since they cannot be made in the human body, they must be supplied through the diet.

And now, the fact that many scientific studies have actually shown substantial increases in fat metabolism with omega supplementation, you have even more reason to make this a staple of your daily nutritional intake.

Scientists from Gettysburg College (Pennsylvania) conducted research investigating the effects of fish-oil supplementation on resting metabolic rate (RMR), body composition and cortisol levels in healthy men and women. In this double-blind study baseline (pre-supplementation) measures of RMR, body composition (using a Bod Pod) and cortisol(from saliva) were completed after fasting. The researchers randomly put subjects in two groups that received four capsules (4 grams) per day of either safflower oil (containing only omega-6 fatty acid) or fish oil (containing only omega-3 fatty acid). They were instructed to take two capsules with breakfast and two capsules with dinner for six weeks. After six weeks of supplementation subjects returned to the lab to be tested again for RMR, body composition and cortisol levels.

A very important note…the participants did not manipulate or control their regular diets during the study.
AdvoCare OmegaPlex Benefits
The researchers reported those who took the fish-oil supplement had over a 1-pound increase in lean mass and a 1-pound loss in fat mass, whereas the safflower oil group exhibited no changes. Interestingly, the study authors reported no change in RMR or body mass among either group, but cortisol levels tended to be lower in the fish-oil group. The tendency for lower cortisol in the fish-oil group correlated with their increase in lean mass and decrease in fat mass.
This research suggests changes in body composition with high quality supplemental omega-3 fatty acids are a result of the impact of omega-3 fatty acids on cortisol levels. Couple this with what is already known about the benefits of supplemental omegas and you have no reason in the world to not be including this highly beneficial solution to your daily regimen. And, if you eat fish less than twice a week on average, it is even more important for you to ensure ample omega-3 intake.

Remember, a high-quality omega supplement can not only support a healthy metabolism and weight management as per the research above, it also helps promote healthy hair, skin and nails, and supports a healthy immune system. In fact, by playing a key role in cardiovascular activity by supporting normal blood flow and healthy blood pressure, consuming omega-3 fatty acids may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease. info via

Dr. Mauro Di Pasquala, a world-renowned expert on nutrition and sports medicine, states there may be a connection between fish oil and muscle health. He says the omega-3 fatty acids in fish oil are particularly beneficial because these essential fatty acids (EFAs) slow down, or even inhibit, muscle proteolysis, which is the breaking down of muscle proteins. Proteins are the "building blocks of life"; the body uses protein to rebuild and repair tissue on the muscles and organs. Protein is the ONLY macro nutrient that builds and maintains muscles, so it is important especially for an athlete or someone trying to build muscle to consume an adequate amount of protein daily.

Basically, if you don’t get the proper amount of protein in your diet, your body will struggle to make new proteins and will actually start to break down muscle you already have.

If our body needs protein to keep what we’ve got and build on what we have, then one can surmise that protein needs fish oil to get the job done right.

Researchers from Washington University School of Medicine in Missouri examined the effects of fish oil on protein synthesis, which is the process in which cells build proteins. The researchers found after conducting several studies in both young and older adults that omega-3 fatty acids stimulate muscle protein synthesis, which can substantially increase the anabolic effects of the post-workout window when insulin and amino acid concentrations spike. In other words, your body keeps lifting weights long after you’ve left the gym when you add fish oil to your protein-filled diet.

Charles Poliquin, a Canadian strength training coach, has trained and/or consulted numerous world class athletes and professional sports teams. He is a huge advocate of fish oil and offers some great scientific explanations as to why fish oil works on his website, but one of my favorite things about his website is the story he tells about his experience when he added 45 grams of fish oil to a first-round draft pick for the NFL and the player put on 29 pounds of lean body mass in one month. Who wouldn’t want results like that?

Fish oil is gaining traction in the media for its benefits to the brain and heart, but what if it could also help us achieve the physique we wanted too? With all that being said, there are a lot of different fish oils on the market making a lot of claims. Which oils are the quality ones? And which ones are palatable?

Talk show host, Dr. Oz, and Consumer Labs Report recommend Advocare's OmegaPlex!

Dr. Oz Approves of AdvoCare

After investigating popular nutritional supplements on the market and finding shocking results, Dr. Oz recommends OUR products so that you avoid dangerous nutritional solutions and ensure that you and your family are only putting the highest quality products in your bodies, as well as, actually getting the benefits that you are paying for!

Their research showed what we are already well aware of, that not all “fish oils” are created equal! The omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oil are the brain-boosting, heart-healthy good fats that have a multitude of anti-aging and anti-inflammatory properties. Unfortunately, most people are not getting the benefits they think they are. Over 30% of the fish oil supplements tested failed for either containing less of the omega-3s than the bottle had promised, or for being spoiled. That, in and of itself, is scary!

AdvoCare’s Omegaplex Omega-3s not only passed’s tests but was one of ONLY two “omegas” recommended by Dr. Oz himself!
So there is no question, we choose OmegaPlex for our omega-3 solution because it meets the highest quality standards of product safety and efficacy. Not only does OmegaPlex use high-quality marine lipid concentrates, which must meet strict analytical testing requirements for environmental contaminants, quantity of long-chain omega-3 fatty acids and oxidation as indicators of safety, purity, potency and freshness, it also contains both EPA and DHA, in the right proportions for maximum benefit.

Be aware in advance, most fish oil supplements will contain one or the other, but not typically both, and almost never in the right, proven ratio.  Lastly, to further enhance its benefits, OmegaPlex also contains the antioxidant vitamin E in its most active form to further ensure omega-3 fatty acid stability.

As we always suggest, don’t merely take our word for the quality of the solutions we recommend, do your homework! We know the reasons to choose AdvoCare solutions for you and your family, and we have thousands of real-world testimonials to confirm our decision, but you still need to understand the “whys” for yourself. 

Order your OmegaPlex

For even better results with your overall health and fitness needs...take the Advocare 24 day challenge!  OmegaPlex is included!

For more information email us at
or visit our Advocare website.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Healthy Side Dish Recipes

Add any of the following to a lean protein for a healthy side dish!

Roasted Vegetables
2 cups zucchini (1 inch dice)
2 cups yellow squash (1 inch dice)
2 medium Vidalia/sweet onions (roughly chopped)
1 cup cherry or Roma tomatoes (sliced)
2 tsp coconut oil
Sea salt and pepper (to taste)

Place zucchini, squash, and onion in a large Ziploc bag. Add melted coconut oil and shake to coat vegetables. Place vegetables on a large jelly roll pan that has been lightly greased with no fat/ no calorie cooking spray. Sprinkle very lightly with sea salt and pepper to taste. Bake at 450 degrees for 10-15 minutes watching carefully and stirring occasionally to prevent burning. Add tomatoes and cook for 5 more minutes or until tomatoes are starting to wilt and are heated through. Serve immediately.
*You can experiment/add all kinds of other vegetables to this such as asparagus, carrots, etc.

Sweet Potato Fries
4 sweet potatoes, cut into large French fries

1 TBSP water
2 tsp Italian seasoning
½ tsp lemon pepper seasoning
1 pinch salt and pepper to taste
2 tsp coconut oil

Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Place cut sweet potatoes into a microwave-safe dish with water. Cook in microwave for 5 minutes on full power. Drain off liquid and toss with Italian seasoning, lemon pepper, salt, pepper, and coconut oil. Arrange fries in a single layer on a baking sheet. Bake for 30 minutes, turning once, or until fries are crispy on the outside.

Tex-Mex Rice
1 cup dry brown rice (not the fast cooking kind)
2 cloves minced garlic
2 ¼ cups water or low sodium chicken broth
1 cup salsa (No Sugar Added)

In a large sauce pan sauté rice and garlic until lightly browned. Stir in water/broth and salsa. Bring to a boil, reduce heat. Cover and simmer for approximately 30 minutes or until rice is tender and liquid is absorbed.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Yummy Healthy Breakfast Recipe Ideas

Paleo/Advocare Meal Replacement Shake Pancakes 
One banana
One egg
1/2 of an Advocare Vanilla Meal Replacement Shake
1 tsp cinnamon

*Mix together in a magic bullet or blender
*Pour on hot griddle, silver dollar size ... 

Tasty Mini Quiche   
A dozen eggs
Chopped vegetables
Chopped cooked meat
Splash of water (for fluffiness)
*Very small amount of Salt*
*Preheat oven to 350 degrees
*Chop a variety of vegetables. I use red, yellow, and green peppers, jalapenos, and onions. Other vegetables such as spinach, broccoli, asparagus, roasted red peppers, green onion, squash, mushrooms, sun dried tomatoes, etc. would be great too. Anything you have on hand will work.
*If you choose to use meat, such as sausage, cook it first and drain any grease.
*Mix all of the vegetables, eggs, sausage, splash of water, and seasonings.
*Cook for 15-20 minutes and then let them rest for 5 minutes before removing from the tin.
This recipe will make about 12 Mini Quiche. Make up a batch of these and you’ll be set for a few days. I make mine in muffin pans and they are very portable for snacking later!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Need a Little SPARK in your life??

10 Years ago, I found something that changed my life and helped to get me off sodas and carbonated beverages for good, not to mention aided in me losing about 20 pounds! IT is called ADVOCARE SPARK!!
drew brees adAdvoCare Spark Energy DrinkAdvoCare Spark is the best energy drink on the market. It not only gives you healthy energy through vitamins and a sugar-free blend of high-quality ingredients, but it gives you mental focus like no other. You will be at your sharpest on Spark. AdvoCare has pumped 21 vitamins, nutrients, and minerals into this formula and they all come together to give you the most advanced energy drink in the world. No crashing! Avoid the crash that goes along with Red Bull, 5-Hour Energy, Rockstar, Monster, Full Throttle, Amp and other drinks. If you need a pick-me-up in the morning, in the middle of the day for a meeting or a butt-kicking work-out in the afternoon, Spark is for you.

For mental focus and clarity: The neuroactive amino acids in AdvoCare Spark Energy Drink help increase your mental focus and alertness by supporting your brain’s ability to receive and send messages to and from the nervous system.
*This amazing product serves as an all-in-one solution that gives you a quick boost of energy and mental focus that lasts for hours.
With six refreshing flavors (Mango Strawberry, Pink Lemonade, Grape, Mandarin Orange, Fruit Punch, Cherry and Citrus), you’re sure to find one that’s perfect for you. And the best part? Only 45 calories in each serving!
There is a reason that Professional Atheletes use and endorse SPARK as their Energy drink of choice!!

Spark Compared to Other Energy Drinks


SPARK Review
Caffiene Review Website

Have you ever been to an electronics store and found a great deal on men’s cologne?
No? Well how about a two-for-one deal at a car lot, have you seen one? I wish.
What about a farmer’s market? Ever been to one and found an incredible energy drink product you’ve never seen before? No? Well nah nah in your face I have!

This summer I took a trip to the local farmer’s market with my mom, my greatest excitement being the possibility of finding a flawless eggplant to complete my cornucopia crafting project. Sarcasm. Anywho, I walked by a table where a nice lady was selling Advocare performance products.

This table just reeked of multi-level marketing, but I couldn’t resist inquiring about the “Spark” energy drink powder packets. Without even telling the saleswoman about my status as an EF writer, she grabbed a bottle of water, filled it with a whole packet of Spark, and let me continue on my way while I drank the bottle down. < 20 minutes: holy organic cucumbers Batman!

I later bought three flavors of my own Spark packets: grape, fruit punch, and mandarin orange. They also offer citrus and cherry. All you need is a cold bottle of water, one of these packets mixed into it, and it will plaster a smile onto your lethargic face. The experience was better than I could have even expected, especially after E-Boost set my standards so low. Not one stage of the show can be categorized as bitter, transparent, overly sweet, or overly tart. Delish!

No matter how you consume a packet of Spark, whether it be straight, snorted, mixed into your Easy Mac flavor packet, or… oh ya mixed into water, you are guaranteed the perfect long-lasting energy boost. No joking around here, these packets are simply the perfect pick me up. This will be my first product review where I end up purchasing more of what I sampled.

Advocare Spark changed my energy drink life. I can now truthfully say that given the immediate availability of a Spark packet, I would choose a bottle of water from a cooler instead a stand-by favorite energy drink. That’s right, a flavored bottle of water over, say, a NOS or Rockstar Punched Citrus. Up until Spark, that’d just be crazy talk.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012


We are excited to share that we are going to be updating the blog once again!  I know it has been a while, but this time around I plan on using this blog more for motivation, healthy eating tips, fitness tips, and product spotlights.  I hope that you will follow us, and feel free to share!

Sunday, May 22, 2011


Advocare's 24 Day Challenge is a healthy approach to weightloss that is sweeping the nation and is changing lives daily! View this slideshow to learn more about how to change YOUR life!!

Days 1-10 Cleanse Phase

Days 11-24  Lean in 13 Phase

For More Information contact the person who shared Advocare with you or visit the 24 Day Challenge Tab on this website.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Drew Brees - The National Spokesperson for Advocare

Breaking News
Building on our eight-year relationship, Drew is stepping up in this new role. He will be involved in national marketing efforts for AdvoCare, as well as act as a spokesperson for the company.
A loyal AdvoCare product user and endorser since 2002, Drew believes in the power of the products. “All of the products I take help me feel like I’m getting the maximum amount out of my workouts and out of my practice work. They’re a big part of preparing and recovering each week.”
About Drew Brees
Drew was named this year’s MVP of the NFL Championship Game. He has been recognized for his performance on and off the field as an athlete and for his charitable contributions and volunteer work.

Career Highlights:
•2010 Pro Football World Champion and Championship game MVP
•3-time Pro Bowl Player (’09, ’07, and ’04)
•2008 AP Offensive Player of the Year
•3-time FedEx Air Player of the Year (’09, ’08, and ’04))
•2006 Co-Walter Payton “Man of the Year”
•2006 All-Pro first team
•2004 Associated Press “Comeback Player of the Year”

Products Drew Uses:
AdvoCare Slam®
AdvoCare Spark® Energy Drink
Rehydrate Electrolyte Replacement Drink
Muscle Strength™
Nighttime Recovery
Post-Workout Recovery Sports Drink
AdvoCare Slim®